Why the Suburban Estate?



Why Now?

Municipal services are stretched well past capacity. The immediate term sees further strain on an already fragile operating budget. If we want to ensure the long term upliftment and investment in our beautiful suburb, we, the community who live here, need to take control of our futures,

The world is changing

Suburban living in South Africa represents a quality of life unmatched globally. The trend to gated estates is simply based on the value presented by a properly managed community.
Cowies Hill Estate is bringing that reality to our beautiful suburb.

We believe as a united community we can better our personal safety and security while positively impacting on those around us.

We are Younited. Are you?

‘Vision without action is just hallucination’

- Thomas Edison

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Where we have been

The last 3 years have involved paving the way for the Suburban Estate initiative. Many Town hall meetings, votes and door to door knocks later, our community is more united than ever before. While we have come really far, we still have a long way to go.

As we met together to discuss a way forward that gave us more collective control over our destinies, the more we talked the more we recognised the need for pro-active community management.

Cowies Hill Estate is an idea born out of the need to strengthen our position as a community. A collective voice, pool of funds and common goals empower us to constantly improve our neighbourhood. Together, our contributions can shift more than any one individual is able to do on their own.

‘Unity is not defined by thinking and acting the same.’

True Unity is coming together for the common good whilst celebrating our differences. A unified community doesn’t simply tolerate diversity, we celebrate it.


What we stand for

Our objective as the Non Profit Company (NPC) is to run a transparently operated entity that represents the common voice of the community at large… 

  •  Establishing new and effective solutions to the ever-changing South African landscape

  • To build secure, holistic services to the community that the NPC serves.

  • Ensuring ongoing upliftment of our Suburb through the delivery of privatised services - including supplementing municipal efforts, where necessary.

  • To bridge the gap between Cowies Hill Estate and the communities that neighbour it.

  • Pro-Active Crime prevention strategies. Ensuring through research and innovation, that the area has both modern location-relevant technologies as well as pro-active policing


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Our Vision for Cowies Hill

Above all, to create a unified community with the power to change the lives of the people that live in and ultimately around our neighbouring communities, for the better.

To Lead the way in Suburban Estate Management, delivering broad-based privatised services to our members, all the while building exponential value into the model through economies of scale. 

We hope to foster quick and kind conflict resolution through convenient platforms , without the negative undertone of cyber bullying.
Ultimately to retain the Freedom of living in our beautiful suburban Estate, while delivering all the benefits of an upmarket walled Estate-style duty of care and control to members of our community.

We do this to leave a legacy for our children of Hope and a Future.

The grass is greener where you water it.